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Casey Resources, Inc

This sampling of projects highlights CRI's capabilities for any size of environmental assessment and/or site restoration project.

Project Name: Forest City - Fitzsimons, Aurora, Colorado

Date Project Began: November 2007

Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description: Casey Resources Inc. (CRI), on behalf of Forest City and the Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority, is currently serving as the Environmental Consultant for multiple asbestos abatement and demolition projects at the Colorado Science + Technology Park (CS+TP) at the former Fitzsimons Army Medical Center (Fitzsimons). CRI's duties have included management of the removal and disposal of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) from 25 buildings as well as the demolition and disposal of buildings. CRI also prepared and implemented a Materials Management Plan (MMP) for the CS+TP at Fitzsimons. These activities are being performed in order to prepare the site for future development including the installation of utilities, site grading, roadway improvements, as well as to satisfy the requirements to secure a letter of "no further action" (NFA) from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for specific areas of the site.

Type of Contamination: ACM contaminated buildings. ACM steam lines, tunnels, and impacted soils.


Project Name: Denargo Market, Denver, Colorado

Date Project Began: February 2008

Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description: Casey Resources Inc. (CRI) has been extensively involved in the environmental assessment, planning, and materials management of the Denargo Market Development Project located in the City and County of Denver (CCOD), Colorado. The Denargo Market Development consists of approximately 36-acres of land located in central Denver and is planned to be one of the highest density site developments in Denver. Under contract to Denargo Market LP, CRI has performed a portion of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) for the properties that now make up the 36-acre site and completed Phase II ESA subsurface investigations for proposed right-of-ways, Block 3, and Block 4 of the development area. CRI completed modifications to the Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application which had already been approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE). The modifications to the VCUP were approved and CRI developed a detailed Material Management Plan (MMP) for management of lead and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) impacted soil at the site, which was subsequently approved by CDPHE and the City and County of Denver. As part of the MMP development, CRI negotiated with the City and County of Denver for a reduction in the right-of-way over excavation for the street and utility corridors from the initial 20-foot excavation depth requirement to eight feet. The reduction in excavation and import soil costs provided a significant savings to Denargo Market, LP while maintaining the standards of right-of-way acceptance for the CCOD. During the Roadways and Utilities phase of the development, CRI provided daily monitoring of all excavation activities at the site. This monitoring included the collection of soil samples for analysis of PAHs and metals, field screening of soils using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) field equipment, visual inspection for potential Asbestos Containing Material (ACM), and monitoring of import and manifested export soil. CRI tailored the MMP to account for the actual environmental conditions encountered during construction, including the management of ACM. The first phase of development activities were completed during the period from February 2008 through April 2009, at which time further development work was temporarily halted due to the economy. CRI prepared an Interim Construction Completion Report, which documented the development activities completed during that time. This report provided evidence that impacted soils disturbed during the development were managed appropriately, following those plans as outlined in the approved MMP and VCUP for the site.

The second phase of development activities at the site began in 2011. Environmental monitoring of all soil disturbing activities was performed by CRI during the remaining street and utility corridor construction. As first phase building construction was being performed on Lot 1 Block 3, monitoring of soil disturbing activities required for building pier and foundation construction was performed by CRI. Where asbestos-in-soil conditions were encountered, CRI performed daily monitoring and confirmation sampling for the remediation efforts of licensed asbestos abatement contractors. In addition CRI performed the confirmation testing of the passive vapor venting system installed beneath the first phase building. CRI completed Environmental Construction Completion Reports for the Roadways and Utilities and the first phase building construction and obtained No Action Determinations from CDPHE for both projects. Continued building development is planned for 2014.

Type of Contamination: Metals contamination, PAH, and ACM


Project Name: Valmont Butte Property, Boulder, Colorado

Date Project Began: December 2008

Date Project Completed: August 2013

Project Description: Casey Resources Inc. (CRI) was contracted by the City of Boulder (the "City") to perform soil investigation on a 101 acre site to determine the areas and extent of environmentally impacted soil at the Valmont Butte Property. The Valmont Butte Property (the "Property") is located in Boulder County, approximately four miles east of the City's central business district. The Property's past use included fluorspar and precious metals processing and containment of milling wastes in two tailings impoundments. Past environmental investigations had identified potential metals and radiation impacts in soils at the Property. Based on these previous investigations, CRI prepared a detailed Work Plan that included an extensive sampling and analysis plan to confirm environmentally impacted areas. The Work Plan was approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the work was initiated during the summer of 2009. CRI personnel completed a structured soil quality investigation using field-portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) equipment and laboratory analysis for quality control checks. The XRF sampling program was the most comprehensive soil investigation completed at the Property to date. Approximately 1,000 XRF measurements were taken during the metals screening program. During the site screening investigation, approximately 679,600 square feet (15.6 acres) of the Property were identified as containing lead concentrations that exceed the screening value of 800 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). As part of the Work Plan, a radiation survey of the Property was also conducted using state-of-the-art portable gamma radiation sodium iodide (NaI) detection meters with real-time Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment. Over 115,000 data points were collected during the survey. These data were correlated to specific onsite radiation source measurements collected using a High Pressure Ion Chamber. The results of the site investigations were used to develop specific remediation strategies and closure planning for the Property. These plans were subsequently presented in a Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application for the Property that was approved by the CDPHE in June 2010. CRI developed construction documents for the VCUP implementation as well as obtained County and State permits as required. In addition, CRI assisted the City with notifications and negotiations with Native American representatives and other parties who have cultural interests at the Property.

The City then contracted CRI to implement the VCUP and in April 2012 remediation of the Property was initiated. Soil from all areas that were identified during the metals screening program as exceeding 800 mg/kg lead was excavated and consolidated in the Primary Tailings Impoundment. The XRF was used to assess, in real time, when an area was adequately remediated.  Once an area was judged to be remediated based on XRF measurements, the area was gridded and confirmation soil samples were collected and submitted to a laboratory for metals analysis. In addition, confirmation soil samples from areas known to have high concentrations of mill tailings and/or showed higher radiation readings during the site radiation screening were also analyzed for gross α/β and radium 226/228. Once all impacted soils had been consolidated into the Primary Tailings Impoundment, the impoundment was capped with two feet of “clean” soil and 18 inches of rock to prevent prairie dog colonies from inhabiting this area.

During remediation of known conditions, several other sources of contamination were discovered and remediated. These included:

  • Petroleum contaminated soil from a oil fired boiler in the Mill Building

  • Several buried drums that contained petroleum products (characteristic hazardous and nonhazardous waste)

  • A buried pipe line that was insulated with asbestos containing material

  • An underground fuel storage tank

Since a large quantity of import soil was needed to meet the final grading plan, CRI established an import soils protocol and monitored soil imported to the Property. Final grading of the site was performed to CRI design specifications and seeding of soil disturbed areas was performed for re-vegetation.

Type of Contamination: Heavy metal and low level radiation impacted soils. ACM, petroleum contaminated soil, buried drums, and an underground storage tank identified during the remediation activities. 


Project Name: Barton Property, Englewood, Colorado

Date Project Began: April 2009

Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description: Casey Resources Inc. (CRI) was contracted by Winslow Crane Services Co (WCSC) to perform an environmental assessment of the Barton Property (the "Property"), which was the location of the former General Iron Works Facility from 1921 to 1986. A phased approach to the investigations was used so that the client could terminate subsequent tasks. CRI initially completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the Property. Following this task, CRI used data from prior environmental investigations to design a focused site investigation to further assess the environmental hazards that impact the Property. These tasks included an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) survey that included a ground surface survey followed by a test pit excavation program, sampling of suspected lead paint covered machinery and concrete, installation of groundwater monitoring wells, and collection of groundwater samples. Based on the site investigations, total arsenic, total lead, and benzo(a)pyrene were identified within non-native fill material at concentrations greater than the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) proposed soil cleanup levels for residential development. ACM was identified in some site soils and was also suspected to occur on pipelines located within inaccessible underground pipe chases. Lead paint was also confirmed to exist on some of the remaining equipment located onsite. The groundwater sampling program included the sampling of eight new monitoring wells. The groundwater quality data collected indicated that only limited impact to groundwater currently exists. Tetrachloroethene (PCE) and manganese concentrations in groundwater exceeded the Colorado Groundwater Standards for those compounds; however, both these constituents were also identified at elevated levels in background monitoring wells. As a result of the data collected during the site investigations, CRI was requested to prepare a Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application for the Property which would identify the strategies to remediate the environmentally impacted areas at the Barton Property. To date, the VCUP Application remains in draft form and has not been submitted to the CDPHE.

Type of Contamination: Soil contamination including lead, arsenic, benzo(a)pyrene, ACM, and potentially Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH).


Project Name: Stapleton Redevelopment, Denver, Colorado

Date Project Began: March 2000

Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description: Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) is the Environmental Project Manager for Forest City Stapleton, Inc., the master developer of the former Stapleton International Airport. This is currently the largest Brownfield Redevelopment Project in the country. The project has included emergency response to contamination discoveries, drum site characterization and remediation, and permit compliance (construction dewatering and stormwater management plan implementation).

Type of Contamination: Various contaminants including asbestos, petroleum,  and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) contamination in soils and groundwater.


Project Name: Gold Hill Mesa Development, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Date Project Began: March 1999

Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description: Paul Casey, P.E., Principal of Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) prepared and negotiated the Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application for the Gold Hill Mesa site redevelopment in Colorado Springs with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The VCUP Application identified remedial actions including the placement of an environmental cap on a 220-acre precious metal ore processing and refining tailings pile, with the final end-use of mixed use residential and commercial development. Mr. Casey made public presentations to Colorado Springs planning and city council for the development plan approval. CRI was the Owner's Representative and Environmental Project Manager for the horizontal site development. CRI managed all environmental related activities including, onsite tailings management, perimeter and onsite worker air monitoring, worker health and safety, and certification of environmental cap placement. Currently, CRI is continuing to provide environmental consulting services as required for property development.

Type of Contamination: Tailings containing primarily lead and arsenic.


Project Name: Floodplain Property, Creede, Colorado

Date Project Began: October 2009

Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description:  Creede Resources, Inc. owns approximately 103 acres of land located south of the City of Creede, Colorado. This land area lies predominantly within the Willow Creek floodplain and is referred to as the Floodplain Property. Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) was retained by Creede Resources, Inc. to review the available information for the Floodplain Property and to assess the potential to develop a Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application. The Floodplain Property is vacant land that has been filled with alluvial sediments and mining debris (waste rock, tailings, mining timbers, etc), generally being deposited during flood events. This mixture of alluvial sediments and mining debris contains elevated concentrations of metals associated with mining activities and natural mineralization upgradient of the Willow Creek floodplain. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) conducted a limited soil sampling program in the floodplain area in 2009 and determined the floodplain deposits contained abundant mining waste rock material. Soil samples collected from these materials indicated elevated concentrations of arsenic, lead, and zinc. Select samples were submitted to the laboratory for Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) analysis which simulates the ability of a solid sample to leach metals when exposed to natural precipitation events. Both lead and zinc leached; however, the concentrations reported were low, indicating limited potential to leach. Both surface water and groundwater within the Floodplain Property is impacted with heavy metals. The degree of impact depends on location within the valley. Elevated concentrations of metals within surface water primarily result from upgradient source areas. The elevated metals within groundwater are resultant of upgradient sources and as well as mining debris sources within the floodplain deposits. CRI developed a phased approach for submittal of a VCUP Application in order to receive initial approval from the CDPHE with regard to eligibility in Voluntary Cleanup Program, thus allowing planning and scheduling of the remediation to be developed. This phased approach was agreeable to the CDPHE and included:

  • Part I - Property history, VCUP eligibility, summary of available environmental reports, floodplain restoration overview. With CDPHE review and approval of this submittal, the Property owner (or non-profit entity formed between the City of Creede and Creede Resources) will apply for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grant Funds to support the design and restoration implementation effort

  • Part II - Materials Management Plan, First Phase of the Floodplain Design Improvements, and Vegetation Development

  • Part III - Detailed Design, City and Willow Creek Committee Design Review, and Acceptance.

CRI has completed a draft of the VCUP Part I and is currently developing the plans addressed in Part II.

Type of Contamination: Mine tailings and related wastes 

Project Name: Emperius Mill Site, Creede, Colorado

Date Project Began: September 2004

Date Project Completed: February 2010

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) was retained by Creede Resources, Inc. to complete environmental investigations at the Emperius Mill site located in Creede, Colorado and to develop remediation plans. CRI completed a surface and subsurface soil investigation at the former mill site to assess potential impacts to soil from the milling operations. Investigation results indicated the surface soil and upper portion of the unconsolidated deposits over the majority of the property contained total arsenic and total lead concentrations greater than the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) proposed cleanup values for residential/non-restricted use as well as the less restrictive commercial landuse values. The depth of metals impact was generally two feet, but was recorded as much as five feet below ground surface. Sampling results also indicated that the bedrock underlying the property contained elevated concentrations of total arsenic. Groundwater was not encountered during the environmental investigations. Based on the information collected, CRI developed a Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application that proposed capping of lead impacted materials and where appropriate, consolidation and capping. The VCUP Application was approved by the CDPHE and implemented in 2008 and 2009. CRI provided environmental oversight during remediation and per the VCUP completed confirmation sampling in August 2009 to demonstrate proper capping of the site. A Construction Completion Report was submitted to the CDPHE in December 2009 certifying that the remediation was completed per the VCUP application. The CDPHE provided a No Action Determination (NAD) for the Emperius Mill site on February 1, 2010.

Type of Contamination: Mine tailings and related wastes containing heavy metal impacts, primarily arsenic, cadmium, lead, and zinc.


Project Name: Porter Draw, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Date Project Began: June 2006
Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) was contracted by the owner of the Porter Draw property to provide environmental consulting assistance and third party oversight with regard to a large wastewater reservoir located on the property. This wastewater reservoir associated with a local refinery was constructed in 1977 and began operations in 1978. The designed full capacity of the reservoir was 121 surface acres. Effluent discharge to the reservoir was permitted in 1981 with the listed approved discharge of approximately 475,000 gallons per day at a rate not to exceed 1.56 cubic feet per second (cfs), for the purpose of disposal by evaporation and seepage. The refinery discontinued its lease for the reservoir site in June 2006; however, wastewater remained within the reservoir. The refinery is currently involved in a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action, which includes a Phase II RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) and Risk Assessment. Under the Corrective Action, the wastewater reservoir at Porter Draw is listed as Area of Concern (AOC) 16. 

On behalf of the property owner, CRI reviewed and commented on the refinery's proposed investigation work plan, investigation reports, and remediation plans. CRI represented the owner in meetings with the refinery, the refinery's consultant, and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) regarding site characterization and remediation plans.

The Porter Draw wastewater reservoir was drained in early 2010 and the former reservoir footprint was remediated by removing impacted soil and sediment, with disposal at an offsite Subtitle D landfill in Colorado. During this remediation, CRI provided limited oversight and provided remediation updates to the property owner. 

Since completion of the remediation in September 2010, the refinery’s consultant completed quarterly groundwater monitoring in 2011 and 2012. In early 2013, the refinery’s consultant three new downgradient monitoring wells were installed at the property based on CRI comments, and all monitoring wells sampled in April 2013. CRI will continue to monitor the environmental activities conducted at the property and report these findings to the property owner, and if necessary comment to the WDEQ. 

Type of Contamination:  Petroleum compounds, metals, and salts.


Project Name: Refinery Impacted Private Property, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Date Project Began: July 2006

Date Project Completed: September 2008

Project Description:  Old Horse Pastures, Inc. (OHP) owned property adjacent to the southern and eastern boundaries of the Cheyenne refinery. The refinery had impacted the adjacent property and as early as 1988, was ordered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to complete site investigations and remediation under authorization of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In 2006, CRI was requested by the legal counsel for OHP to obtain and review the available environmental reports for the refinery. The available reports and applicable correspondence were obtained from records maintained by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) and numbered in the hundreds. The review included a detailed assessment of the EPA and WDEQ Administrative Orders of Consent, review of site investigation results, and review of remediation planning documents. CRI provided comments on the reviewed documents to WDEQ. In addition, CRI assisted legal counsel with identifying data gaps in the remediation planning including limited interim efforts in areas that continued to impact the adjacent land and stream environments. Through continued review and comment, CRI assisted OHP to eventually obtain a settlement agreement in which the impacted land area was purchased by the refinery.


Project Name: Prairie Gateway Development, Commerce City, Colorado

Date Project Began: December 2004

Date Project Completed: January 2006

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) was the Environmental Program Manager for the development of 950 acres of the former Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) property in Commerce City, Colorado. CRI was responsible for implementing a Materials Management Plan (MMP) for the development of the property in accordance with the National Wildlife Refuge Act of 1992 including the construction of a 35,000 seat regional soccer stadium. Prior to the initiation of the development, CRI personnel prepared comprehensive Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for the property. The Phase I and II ESAs included the review of hundreds of documents pertinent to the property as well as site inspections and soil and groundwater investigations to assess potential impacts associated with the former use of the RMA. The Phase I and II ESA reports were used as the summary due diligence documents to secure construction financing and environmental insurance coverage for the project. The site was remediated as necessary to residential standards for redevelopment.

Type of Contamination: Limited area of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) impacted soils and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in groundwater. 


Project Name: Rail Yard Lofts Project, Denver, Colorado

Date Project Began: January 2005

Date Project Completed: July 2005

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) prepared and submitted a Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for the remediation of a former plating shop site. The end use for the site was the construction of 35 luxury loft units. CRI negotiated cleanup and sampling locations with the CDPHE and remediated lead contaminated soils at the property to meet the non-restricted/residential land use standard for lead.

Type of Contamination: Chromium, lead, and Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). 


Project Name: Roscoe Development Corporation Property, Boulder, Colorado

Date Project Began: June 2005

Date Project Completed: November 2005

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) performed limited subsurface investigations at a property in Boulder, Colorado to assess the potential of onsite Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) sources. This investigation concluded that no VOC sources existed onsite and that VOC contamination was emanating from an offsite hydrogeologically ugradient source. A Petition for No Action Determination was submitted to and approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).  

Type of Contamination: VOC impacted groundwater.


Project Name: Brighton Flats Development Project, Denver, Colorado

Date Project Began: April 2005

Date Project Completed: July 2005

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) completed an environmental site assessment in support of a Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application for the development of a two acre site in a former industrial area in Northeast Denver, Colorado. The results of the investigations indicated that the site's primary environmental problem was the existence of 10 to 20 feet of landfill debris containing a large volume of organic materials (grass and hay), which based on in-situ testing was generating significant levels of methane gas. CRI recommended the building architects incorporate environmental remediation aspects of construction into site planning such as foundation venting and proper management of water and excavated soils during construction. Based on the findings of the investigation, the building plans were modified to not include underground parking, but to construct slab on grade structures with methane venting systems. CRI provided methane venting system drawings as well as installation costs. CRI recommended the client consider development of a VCUP Application should the proposed development include significant soil handling or removal.

Type of Contamination: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and metals contaminated soils and VOC impacted groundwater. Landfill deposits generating methane.

Project Name: Former Anderson Formal Wear Site, Commerce City, Colorado

Date Project Began: September 2001

Date Project Completed: February 2005

Project Description:  Mr. Terry McGowan of Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) was the principal investigator for the Former Anderson Formal Wear Site in Commerce City, Colorado. This facility was the distribution center for the formal wear and also included a dry cleaning operation. Mr. McGowan designed and completed several site investigations to identify the source area of contamination and the extent of groundwater impact. Anderson's consultant proposed a soil vapor extraction system for remediation of the property, which was not accepted by the owner of the property. Mr. Terry McGowan and Mr. Paul Casey of CRI prepared an Integrated Corrective Action Plan (ICAP) for remediation of the site and also provided expert witness testimony as part of the legal issues associated with the property. Mr. McGowan managed the implementation of the ICAP which included the excavation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) impacted soil from beneath and in front of the building, and the removal of approximately 20,000 gallons of PCE impacted groundwater. Groundwater monitoring continued for one year on a quarterly basis with the final results showing that all offsite monitoring wells contained PCE concentrations below or just above the groundwater standard for PCE. Mr. McGowan negotiated with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to obtain an Environmental Covenant for the property which limited any use of groundwater, and released the owner from continued groundwater monitoring.

Type of Contamination: PCE contaminated soil and groundwater.


Project Name: Former Rainbow Cleaners, Northview Shopping Center, Westminster, Colorado

Date Project Began: September 2005

Date Project Completed: Ongoing

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) completed environmental investigations at a former dry cleaner operation and identified significant tetrachloroethene (PCE) impact in bedrock and groundwater. The information was summarized in an Integrated Corrective Action Plan (ICAP) which was submitted to and approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The ICAP remediation was implemented with the removal of indoor soils to approximately five feet below the floor surface and installation of a passive vapor venting system. As part of the indoor remediation, CRI was requested to provide environmental monitoring during building sanitary sewer pipeline replacement and to conduct 8-hour indoor air monitoring to assess air quality in building areas adjacent the sewer line repairs. CDPHE correspondence and negotiations were an integral part of the monitoring of the sewer pipeline repair project. Following the completion of the indoor remediation, CRI presented to the CDPHE that outdoor remediation should not be conducted due to the extremely hard and impermeable bedrock conditions and the fact that the PCE plume did not appear to be migrating. The CDPHE however, indicated that remediation of the source area would be required. In response to this requirement, CRI prepared an amendment to the ICAP which stated that outdoor excavation would be replaced with in-situ chemical oxidation at known source locations. CRI noted to the CDPHE that the geologic conditions at the site would likely inhibit effective in-situ treatment. In May 2007, in-situ remediation was completed by injecting oxidation reagents into the subsurface in previously identified contaminant source areas at the former Rainbow Cleaners. Post remediation groundwater sampling indicated significant reduction in PCE concentrations; however, by the fourth quarter the contaminant concentrations had rebounded in the source areas. In response to the concentration rebound, CRI converted the passive vapor venting system within the former cleaner unit to an active venting system and installed a smaller vapor venting system in the adjacent commercial space. The CDPHE has indicated that an Environmental Covenant will be required after completion of two years of annual monitoring of hydrogeologically downgradient compliance groundwater wells. 

Type of Contamination: PCE contaminated soil and groundwater.


Project Name: Former Isaac Walton Gun Club Site, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Date Project Began: April 2005  

Date Project Completed: December 2006

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) completed a detailed site assessment of a former shooting range and submitted a Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCUP) Application on behalf of its client to remediate the property to residential standards as the proposed end use was residential single family homes and an associated commercial development. CRI completed bench scale testing of lead impacted soil and used this information to develop a remediation plan to neutralize the lead containing soils rendering them non-hazardous. The client's contractors completed the amendment of lead impacted soils and used the amended soils as backfill in the commercial area of the project. Deed restrictions were developed for the re-use site and a Construction Completion Report submitted to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). CRI also assisted in negotiation with regard to a CDPHE Compliance Advisory issued to the contractors regarding hazardous waste regulations.

Type of Contamination:  Lead and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soils. 


Project Name:  Kane Ranch Environmental Investigations, Fountain, Colorado

Date Project Began: June 2006

Date Project Completed: February 2007

Project Description:  The Kane Ranch operated as a cattle ranch and commercial feedlot beginning in the early 1900s. The early ranching operations included control of disease and parasites by using arsenic compounds and pesticides directly applied to the cattle via a "dipping vat" (a long seven foot deep trench filled with these liquid compounds in which cattle were walked through). In addition, ranch activities included fueling of generators and ranching equipment using above ground and underground storage tanks. Site investigations by others identified organochlorine pesticide impacts to soil and petroleum hydrocarbon impacts to soil and groundwater. Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) implemented field investigations to define the areal extent and depth of both soil and groundwater contamination. The field investigations included the drilling of soil borings, installation of monitoring wells, and collection of surface soil, surface water, and subsurface soil samples. Based on these investigations, CRI established the following: 1) petroleum and organochlorine pesticides had not impacted the adjacent Williams Creek, 2) the organochlorine pesticide impact was limited in depth and areal extent and could be managed (remediated) onsite, and 3) the petroleum hydrocarbon impact was naturally degrading with time. Based on these data, CRI recommended to our client to proceed with a Voluntary Cleanup Plan  (VCUP) Application and negotiations with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to remediate the property. The VCUP application was submitted to the CDPHE and outlined the capping of organochlorine pesticide soils and monitoring of the petroleum impact to show that the impact is naturally degrading. The VCUP Application was approved by the CDPHE in February 2007. The VCUP implementation was completed by others.

Type of Contamination: Organochlorine pesticide impacted soil and petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil and groundwater.


Project Name: Review Environmental Information for Nine Gasoline Stations, Colorado

Date Project Began: October 2005

Date Project Completed: October 2005

Project Description:  Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) was requested by Dunton Realty to review the available information for nine gasoline stations located in Colorado and to report our findings in less than four days in order to meet a purchase deadline. Based on the information provided and research conducted at the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS), CRI prepared property assessment reports for each of the nine gasoline stations and ranked each of the properties based on the potential of environmental remediation and the estimated cost to complete remediation. Based on the reports provided, Dunton advised its client on which properties could be purchased as is, and those for which a reduced price could be negotiated.

Type of Contamination:  Petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil and groundwater.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments - Casey Resources, Inc. (CRI) personnel have completed Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for a number of properties in Colorado. These have included, but not limited to, the Western Tier Parcel at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), two large (1,000 and 2,500 acre) ranches in Douglass County, commercial building properties in Boulder, the former Fort Collins Community Airpark (152 acres), and active and former industrial sites in the Rocky Mountain Region.

Environmental Consulting, Remediation, and Management Services
Casey Resources, Inc.
4890 Kipling Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

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